Monday, February 16, 2015

Set your goals carefully - Small achievement better than big fail!

After my first 15km, I was pretty sure that I can do marathon. Achievements make you so happy and inspire for another challenges. With each next successful workout comes, confidence of success in the next one. But what happens when you can't?

To try something new, is already jump ouside of you comfort zone, and if you are brave enough and decided to participate in competitions, it is already "crazy" level! It is enough to taste once, and you don't want to stop anymore: half marathons, marathons, bosphorus, triathlon. Goal set -> goal achieved -> Pleasure! But how do you feel if you failed, if you are not so confident in success any more?

More goals = More achievements = More pleasure, right? What are another goals, let's see, pull-ups, push-ups, faster marathon, why not! And let's be serious, marathon in 3 hours, 100 push-ups and 50 pull-ups and to lose some weight in between. Because there is one more free hour in your schedule. The best use of it, is accomplishing another goal! Even better would be to find few more hours and add few more goals!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

7 habits of highly effective people - Stephen Covey

Desire to be enlightened and continuous seeking for time for reading made me to listen to listen smart audio books. The first was "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Tim Ferrys and I've chosen as the second "7 habits of highly effective people" by Stephen Covey.

As usual, book in audio format and listen on the run.

First 30km of listening remembered me my childhood. That time, on saturdays afternoon, when I wanted to watch cartoons and my parents - movies, preacher was speaking, monotonically describing different topics from bible. The same feelings I had in university, sitting in a large audience and listening for two hours for not the most eloquent teacher. I mean you better don't start it if you are in rush or didn't sleep well :)... The same with this book.

Lot's of times I was running and listening, than switched to my own thoughts, than back to book and realized that the author is providing ninth example of the same, and I've heart first 4, so I missed nothing - as with Brasillian TV series.