Thursday, November 27, 2014

Atlanta Thanksgiving Half-Marathon

Race instead of turkey

"Guys, how are you going to celebrate Thanksgiving?"
"Are you going to celebrate somehow Thanksgiving?"
"Have you decided what you are going to do on Thanksgiving?"

It were "TOP3" questions our colleagues were asking last time. Two days before Thanksgiving, Dug, knowing about my attitude towards running, asked if I know about Atlanta Thanksgiving Half Marathon? "No", I said and opened Google. It was my answer on those  "TOP3" questions - I'm running!

And it begun...

  • Registration in the last day...
  • Expected time 1:35...
  • Searching possibilities to get there in time without paying additional 30$...
  • Morning discussion with drunk girl and her strange friend...
  • Fail and salvation with clothes...
  • Starting wave confusion...
  • Start, GO GO GO.......

Saturday, November 15, 2014

100 push-ups in 7 weeks

To go out of my comfort zone is something I need, thus I decided not to limit with Ironman only, and remembered my unfulfilled dreams from childhood - 100 push-ups and 50 pull-ups! Sounds great, hard to implement, good for health in general and some nice body relief as bonus - exactly what I need!

As it usually happens "bicycle" was invented before, and you just have to use it. So I found a training plan with the same name as my goal - "100 push-ups in 6 week", and started training... The idea is to increase load smoothly, interchange rest and training in the right way and demonstrate willpower. Add to it to my 3 month US trip, and you'll get perfect combination:

  • I travel without family, thus I'll have a lot off free time
  • US is well known by it's junk food, so I'll have to get rid of extra calories
  • Next summer/autumn I'm going to finish full Ironman distance

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Spock - framework for Java developers, who doesn't like Unit testing

I'm Java developer! Coding is base of our profession. It's testing is somewhere nearby. Honestly - I hate writing unit tests. Subconsciously I can not accept the fact that I have to write 20 lines of code in order to test 5. You can make mistake in any code, even the one, which intended to test another one, what about them? In addition you have to know bunch of testing frameworks (JMock, EasyMock, PowerMock), testing standards, best practices, etc.

Please, don't get me wrong, I do not belittle importance of testing. I was writing those tests even without excessive passion. I just didn't like the way I had to do it. And apparently, in one one of our projects client insisted on Spock - another framework for testing, but on Groovy. "Happy client!" - is our company mantra, so we are learning new for us framework, and..... HERE IT IS! For the first time testing become simple, logic, intuitive and FAST!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The most boring marathon

Marathon is a dream for runner-beginner! There is so much proud in this phrase "I run marathon!", which is not actually the same what you feel in the process of achieving this goal.

Runner time calculator

(min/km )
( km /hr)
Once upon a time I decided to play with different distances and paces required for specific time. Plus to this speed, pace, miles, km... - finally I didn't find as good calculator as I wanted and decided to create my own.

For time and pace you can use dot (.), comma (,) and colon (:), we understand.

Enter, ENTER - watch!

I've tried and liked it. Probably it can be useful for you too.

If you've found any bug - let me know, I'll try to fix it.