Tuesday, September 10, 2013

One more step done - preparing for 15k

I've been creating footpaths in the nearest park for almost one month and I have what to boast with. So here are my latest achievements:

  • I can run 10k in one hour and few minutes (few month ago I wouldn't have believed in it, my max was few hundred meters till the nearest shop with periodic rest).
  • Having few articles about swimming behind, I can swim almost 1k nonstop (almost 1k = 900m).
  • Found and took as a base training plan "Marathon for the beginners" from runkeeper.com. According to it, theoretically I have to run 15k next week (my gosh, it is more than hour and a half of running - if I do it - will share my feelings, otherwise - excuses). Today felt beauty of Fartlek - figured out that I can more than I used to believe (this sensation is never enough)
  • On swimming workouts I'm trying to follow recommendations from the InternetНа тренировках по плаванью я придерживаюсь рекомендаций отсюда. Я упоминал о этой статейке и раньше. I would never thought that the angle of palm in the moment of entering in the water (together with bunch of other tiny angles) so seriously affects speed and overpower you can overpower. So make sure you are progressing theoretically as well. Coach would be ideal case, but I can't afford it at the moment.

Along with dry figures there is emotional part. I've read article about Endorphin, and it looks like I know this feeling. It comes after 7-8k, right after the hill. When your breathing restored, muscles restored - emotional calm covers you... everything is so cool... You feel like you still have the same power you had few km before and it makes you smile (like this :)). Body found it's ideal rhythm and says that this is not your limit yet. After this point pride moves you, and the more you run the more proud you are... It is so nice to hear how many km are already behind and imagine where you could reach. By the way, the distance between my home and the nearest village is 7k, which means next Saturday I'll run there and back :).

It is pleasure to see increasing amount of runners in the park with the first days of September. You thought they are students - nope. I've never seen young runners there, usually they have 40+. During my workouts I'm no as talkative as usually, but I managed to get acquainted with two of those guys, and luckily, one of them is Triathlon coach and second one climber (may be I'll join him once)...

Overall I like running more than I expected and want to do it more and more... (and of course it is important not to overdo).

Here is one of my best workouts (there are few more over 10к):

As practice shows - run 10к is easier than you may think, just give it a try, you'll like it :)

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